This week we learned about our different God-given personalities and how to relate and communicate effectively to each other by learning the strengths and challenges of our teammates' personality. As I was thinking and praying about what to write to you all, I realize how much I was challenged and inspired by this weeks teaching, so in this blog update I really want to give you guys a quick version of all the great teaching we received. :)
This week our teaching was on The Elements. The Elements test is a personality test and tool that relates different personality tendencies to the four elements: fire, wind, earth, and water.
Fire is usually easily excited by challenge and risk. They seek tasks that give them options and allow them to control part of the process. They are decisive and passionate. Much like fire they are all-consuming, assertive, bold, and daring. These people are natural leaders and initiators.
Wind is strongly motivated by relationships, they love recognition, approval, and freedom to express themselves and their ideas. They love fun. Much like the element, winds are restless, spontaneous, quick to move, easily excitable, and like to see things and ideas in motion. The winds will be your biggest fan and they love to encourage and promote people, projects, and events.
Earth loves details. They are structured, scheduled, and precise. They are well grounded and stable, extremely steady, which reminds us of the element of Earth. They thrive off of order and and accuracy and are extremely focused. They are great at getting things done and doing it right the first time.
Water is also motivated by people. They love to absorb, they strive for harmony and stability, but they are also very flexible and go-with-the-flow. They need time to reflect on new ideas or relationships and they often need to filter and process everything they absorb because they are extremely empathetic. They are easy-going, encouraging, and supportive.
Our focus of this week's teaching was not only to identify our own "element" but to make note of and understand our teams' elements, so we can better communicate and work all together. We all will have the opportunity to speak to different churches and youth groups on outreach so we want to be able to speak to all personalities effectively. I loved this teaching because it is easy to understand (we are all familiar with the four elements) and it helps me understand and enjoy my personality (I'm a WIND) as well as know the strengths of the others and how they "fill-in" where sometimes my personality can be lacking. It's really beautiful to see how we all fit together.
We also learned about the difference between the "comfort zone" and the "learning zone". The "comfort zone" is for resting, it's not where we do the most growth, even though it can be much more inviting than the "learning zone". The "learning zone" is where we grow the most because we are being stretched and strengthened. We learned that when we are in the learning process, it's normal to feel uncomfortable, especially when interacting with a different element personality, it's called creative tension. Discomfort and irritation can be a sign of growth!
When someone with an opposite or different personality rubs you the wrong way, it really is an opportunity for strength. Most likely, where you are both "lacking" is either just an extreme of a strength or you have a weakness where they have a strength. An example of this would be that an extreme of being bold is that you can be impulsive, or an extreme of being loyal is that you can become complacent. If you have a weakness where they have a strength, it could look like a wind seeking fun and becoming overly spontaneous, and an earth being so predictable that they become boring, but they figure out a way of identifying strengths and weaknesses and working together!
On the last day of teaching we each made a small "poster" containing our personal dream, the spiritual gifts we have, our personality type, and what we bring to the team. It was so cool to see the 7 of us in my team come together and say "this is who God made me, and this is what I'm bringing to the team." We are all so different and I'm so excited to see how we are going to be able to work together in the giftings and personality that God gave each of us to work towards the same goal, representing the unity and love of Christ wherever we go. :)
This blog post isn't super deep and introspective, nor does it have some crazy emotional story, but God doesn't always work in the big, crazy, and deep ways. He is also steadfast. He is the Almighty Creator, and He loves His creation. We are His craftsmanship, and He loves it when we work together in perfect unity, it blesses Him, and that is my goal.
I wasn't sure at first what to share with you all about this week because there is always just so much going on in my heart and my mind each week. But I really hope that this post gives you a little more understanding and encourages you that even in the face of conflict, you are actually on the brink of amazing growth and unity.
"Since God chose you to be the holy people He loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Make allowance for each other's faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others. Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony. And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts. For as members of one body you are called to live in peace." Colossians 3:12-15
"There are different kinds of spiritual gifts, but the same Spirit is the source of them all. There are different kinds of service, but we serve the same Lord. God works in different ways, but it is the same God who does the work in all of us...the human body has many parts, but the many parts make up one whole body. So it is with the body of Christ." 1 Corinthians 12:4-6; 12
I would love for you to be apart of how God is working in me and through me! I am so grateful to God for all of you, and that He provided OVER the $1,300 I needed before February 27th. He is so good! Now I only need a total of $2,900! (My original total was $5,790).
I am beyond thrilled to be on this journey of trusting the Lord, and I know He will continue to provide, it's in His character and He has called me to be here at this time and I want to invite you all into what God is doing here through partnering with me financially!
I am beyond thrilled to be on this journey of trusting the Lord, and I know He will continue to provide, it's in His character and He has called me to be here at this time and I want to invite you all into what God is doing here through partnering with me financially!
If you would like to donate you can click here. Payment for a student/SOMD/2016 I'm so excited to have you be apart of my team!
If you would like to be apart of my prayer team and receiver weekly prayer requests and updates you can email me at and I will add you to my team!
Thank you all so much!!!
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